REETIME News Technology Business

23 April 2013

Can scientists improve evolution?. reetime news technology.

Can scientists improve evolution?
By Nick Scott, CNN
April 19, 2013 -- Updated 1953 GMT (0353 HKT) | Filed under: Innovations

Thank you Cnn. From reetime news technology.

(CNN) -- Video producer's note: To some, it may seem like Caltech professor Frances Arnold is playing God. But to hear her say it, she is improving upon what nature started and solving some real-world issues in the process.
CNN caught up with the presidentially honored professor at her Caltech lab. In the video above she explains just how her theory and process of "directed evolution" works -- and what problems her research could help solve.
Do you think "directed evolution" is overstepping the bounds of science? Let us know in the comments.

Thank you Cnn. From reetime news technology.

REETIME News Technology Business