REETIME News Technology Business

02 May 2013

Photo tagging finally comes to Instagram. reetime news technology.

Photo tagging finally comes to Instagram
By Dorrine Mendoza, CNN
May 2, 2013 -- Updated 2157 GMT (0557 HKT) | Filed under: Social Media

Instagram has unveiled "Photos of You,
" which adds the ability to tag images with usernames.
(CNN) -- Your Instagram profile is about to have a lot more "you" in it.
Instagram announced a feature on Thursday called Photos of You that lets people tag their own images with the Instagram handles of friends or anyone with an account on Instagram. Previously, you had to call out people in photo captions, and they would get a news alert pointing them to the image.
The Photos of You feature is available as an app update for iOS and Android users immediately.
Tagged images are collected in a new section in your profile and won't show up in your main photo feed. You can't tag other people's images, only your own.
Instagram says these new tags can be populated only with usernames, not hashtags, though hashtags still work just fine in the comments.
To check whether a photo has any people tags, tap once on the images, and the names will appear. Click a name to go to that profile.
With tagging, of course, comes the potential for embarrassment. Instagram has created a built-in way to hide tagged photos you don't like from your your profile. If an image is extra unflattering, you can remove it altogether or report it as inappropriate.
If you're super paranoid, you can turn on a setting to require your approval before any tagged photos show up in your profile.
Instagram will show your tagged images by default starting May 16, so if you want to turn on settings to hide them, you have some time to make the proper adjustments.
It's no secret that people spend a lot of time on Instagram. Between posting photos, tinkering with filters, creating hashtags and browsing streams, the average user spends about four hours a month on the photo-sharing platform, according to comScore.
The new Photos of You feature has a good shot at increasing that time, adding a whole new way to look through old memories, admire your own good looks or see even more of what your friends are up to.

Thank you Cnn. From reetime news technology.

REETIME News Technology Business